Social law is an essential part of the company’s life. The density of matter and its constant evolution make it difficult to apprehend.
With its experience, PRIMA VEIG accompanies and advises you with pragmatism, innovation and intellectual rigor.
PRIMA VEIG intervenes particularly in:

drafting of employment contracts, disciplinary law, strategy and formalization of employment contract breach, individual disputes, negotiation;

implementation of professional elections, representation bodies, negotiation and drafting of collective agreements, collective conflict and litigation associated with collective labor relations;

Implementation of profit-sharing and participation, PEE, PERCO, implementation of stock options, free bonus share, BSPCE; 

prevention of penal risk, business manager’s responsibility, occupational accident, moral harassment; 

prud'homal (labor tribunal) and electoral, administrative about protected employees.

Individual relations

Collective relations

Savings and employee shareholding

Penal labor law
